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Sufficiency of Disclosure for Artificial Intelligence Patents – U.S. Case Example

Sufficiency of Disclosure for Artificial Intelligence Patents – U.S. Case Example

In an earlier article, we compared the sufficiency of disclosure for Artificial Intelligence (AI) patents in the U.S. and the European Patent Office (EPO). See A Tale of Two Jurisdictions: Sufficiency of Disclosure for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patents in the U.S. and the EPO.

In that article, we saw how two applications, one in the U.S. and the other in the EPO, were treated differently despite having the claims. In particular, the U.S. application was prosecuted to issuance, while the EPO application ended in a rejection for lack of sufficiency of disclosure. The article provided a more detailed summary of the EPO case, as a sufficiency of disclosure issue was raised in the EPO case, but not in the U.S.

In this article, we explore how sufficiency of disclosure issues for AI-related claims can arise in the U.S. in the context of a recent district court case. In the U.S., expert opinions and testimony may help a court decide issues of sufficiency of disclosure.

Read the full article at the link below.

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